ÆrøXpressen A/S er et privat selskab med omkring 2100 aktionærer.
On this page, the annual report, minutes and other relevant documents will be available to shareholders.
The annual report can be found here.
Vedtægter findes her.
- Referat af den ordinære generalforsamling 08-05-24 findes her.
- Minutes of the annual general meeting 19-06-23 can be found here.
- Minutes of the extraordinary general meeting 07-07-23 can be found here.
- Minutes of the 2nd extraordinary general meeting 22-07-23 can be found here.
- Board meeting minutes 22-07-23 where the share issue was decided can be found here.
Other documents
- Report in accordance with section 156 of the Companies Act can be found here.
- Report in accordance with section 161 of the Companies Act can be found here.